Application Model
– Visualize and Describe your IT Systems

What is an Application Model?

The Application Model describes the structure and interaction between an application or system components. It can also explain how a system relates to another system. For example, the application model can give us good insight into our IT environment. At the same time, we can delve into extended descriptions of applications and get information about which environment they belong to or their connection to other systems and applications.

Why should you use an Application Model?

The Application Model can be used in several contexts where you want to describe systems visually and clearly. The application model helps you with:

  1. Clarity and Understanding The Application Model visually represents something that is usually perceived as complex and abstract. This makes it easier for developers, designers, stakeholders, or employees to understand the structure of the system, its components, and interactions. The application model provides a more intuitive and descriptive explanation of systems than text, which in turn helps to reduce misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
  2. Communication The Application Model serves as a common language for communicating with its collaborators or stakeholders. Visual representations help reduce the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders by providing a clear and accessible overview of the system architecture and functionality.
  3. Documentation A visual Application Model serves as valuable documentation. It can capture key design decisions, changes over time, architectural patterns, and relationships between components. The application model can, therefore, serve as a reference point for future development, maintenance, and knowledge transfer. It also helps new team members quickly familiarise themselves with the system.
  4. Meet Stakeholders Expectations Visual models facilitate discussions between stakeholders about the application’s desired features, user experience, and technical constraints. The Application Model can help achieve a common understanding of the project goals and requirements, leading to greater consensus.

How do you create an Application Model?

In 2c8 Apps, you can create an Application Model that helps you describe the structure and interaction of an IT system.

Suppose we start with a simplified example of an Application Model. In that case, we can begin by placing an object representing an application. After that, all objects we place have a relationship with each other. The relationship arrows contain data about what type of relationship it is to further describe the relations between applications and components.

The application we placed is, in turn, composed of one or more services, which is an object we place with a relation arrow from the application object. The relation makes it clear that the application consists of a service.

To use the service, an interface is required, which becomes a part of the service. As before, the relationship type clarifies that the interface is part of the service.

Next, we place an object that represents the function of the application. The necessary functions are required to perform the service. The relation between the two is that the functions are used by the service and that the service is using the functions.

Components are part of a system, meaning that nested behavior and exposed data are used through interfaces.

In this way, we have created a simple Application Model that describes how the application is structured. We have done this by placing the relationship arrows between the objects to clarify their relationship with each other.

Do you want to know more about the Application Model?

Consultants at 2c8 have put together an in-depth article for those who want to learn more about application modeling. Here, you can learn more about the uses of the application model and how to create more advanced application models.

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