Workshop in 2c8 Apps

A workshop is a practical working meeting that promotes cooperation, creative thinking, and problem-solving. A clear and structured approach is one success factor of a successful workshop; the right tools for the purpose are another.


The basics

What is a Workshop?

A workshop is an interactive and collaborative meeting that promotes discussion, creativity, and problem-solving. The meeting format is designed to engage multiple participants in discussions around different topics. Typically, workshops are structured sessions where participants carry out practical activities, often under the guidance of one or more workshop leaders.

Workshop två personer

Workshop with 2c8 Apps

The Suitable Software

2c8 Apps is a visualization tool designed to map your business together. Gathering around a picture and mapping in real-time makes the workshop more structured and effective and promotes more perspectives.


Clarity and Understanding

The visualization in 2c8 Apps makes complex processes and workflows easier to understand. Gathering around a model image helps participants understand the issues you will be working on.


Improved Communication and Collaboration

The visual models you create in 2c8 Apps improve communication between participants. When all participants have a common understanding, the risk of miscommunication during the workshop is reduced.


Increased Creativity

When you create visual models, you visualize your organization from a different perspective. This promotes new ideas and creative discussions among participants.



All new ideas, improved workflows, identified problems, or other aspects highlighted during the workshop are easily documented directly in 2c8 Apps.


Increased Engagement

2c8 Apps allow employees to actively participate in creating models, leading to more productive and dynamic discussions.


Real-time Feedback

When you visualize the discussions in 2c8 Apps during the workshop, feedback can be given in real-time. This streamlines the work process and reduces lead times until the final result.

Contact us

Do you want to know more about Project planning in 2c8 Apps?

2c8 Apps is a powerful tool for visualization with various model types you can use to map your business. Book a demo and explore the possibilities of 2c8 Apps.

  • Adapted demo based on your needs
  • Insight into the software
  • Free
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Explore the Possibilities of 2c8 Apps

2c8 Apps can be used across many business solutions, from creating robust management systems to developing businesses. Explore the possibilities.