Capability Model

Illustration of a Capability Model

What is a Capability Model?

A capability model is a type of model used to visualize an organization’s different capabilities. A capability describes what an organization needs to be able to do. It also explains what information is required to do this and what information should be created. A capability can have a process that describes how the work is done to refine information and produce results. A capability is related to the role and/or organization to define who manages the capability and what skills are needed.

Why should you use a Capability Model?

  1. Creating a common perspective on the interaction between IT and business Business often talks about productivity, value chains, and quality, while IT talks about functions, security, and access. Therefore, confusion, miscommunication, and misunderstanding are not uncommon. The capability model helps us create a common perspective on this.
  2. Holistic View Process models can combine much of what a capability model describes, such as roles, systems, and needs. However, they are at a lower level and do not provide the same overall picture that capability models aim to describe.
  3. Stability over time One property of capabilities and capability models is that they are more stable over time than, for example, organizations or processes. A capability can also be realized through several similar processes.

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