2c8 Server Hosting

Our solution includes secure and robust server operation for your use of 2c8 Apps.



Complete Server Solution for 2c8 Apps

What is a 2c8 Server

A 2c8 Server is a prerequisite for working together with business models, managing them, administering users, and much more. As a user, you get:

  • Storage of material in 2c8 Apps
  • Location for publishing material from 2c8 Apps.
  • Support for multiple users
  • Upgrades are free of charge
  • First-class Support and Maintenance
Bild över en dator och telefon som visar ett digitalt ledningssystem i 2c8 Apps

Contact us

Do you want to know more about Server Hosting?

We will help you with any questions about our server solution.

Contact us

Foto av leende medarbetare på 2c8