Project Planning

All types of companies work on projects to different extents. Determining the project scope, objectives, and the steps required to achieve them is, therefore, essential for project success. Project planning is all about this.


The basics

What is project planning?

Project planning can be seen as a process of determining the scope of a project in terms of resources, time, milestones, outcomes, risks, and much more. The plan created around the project can be used as a guide for both project managers and teams to run the project. Well-established project planning creates the conditions for a successful outcome.



Streamlining Project planning with 2c8 Apps

2c8 Apps offers a practical solution to facilitate Project Management – from start to finish.


Visualize, Organize, and Prioritize

Visualize the project flow to organize and prioritize activities and resources throughout the project.


Clarify Responsibilities

Connect roles with activities and other objects to visualize responsibilities in the project. The visualization provides a clear overview.


Manage Meetings

Get an overview of the project meetings and link specific meetings to the project’s decisions, outcomes, and objectives.


Increase Transparency

Make your process maps and models available within the team and to project stakeholders who want to oversee the project’s development.


Effective Workshops

Maps and models can be created by project managers and teams or developed jointly in workshops.


Manage Documents, Agendas, and Checklists

Gather your documents in one place – directly linked to the activities within the project.

Discover the possibilities

The Power of Visualizing Project Planning

2c8 Apps allows you to map your project flows. The software gives you a clear project picture, contributing to better understanding, communication, and transparency. With 2c8 Apps, you can also efficiently allocate resources in the project, identify risks, and thus improve planning.

Read more about 2c8 Apps


Model Types in 2c8 Apps

Discover the Project model

The project model is one of all model types available in 2c8 Apps. It visualizes the project’s structure in a flow with a clear starting point, desired outcome, and path to get there.

Read more about the Project model



Contact us

Do you want to know more about Project planning in 2c8 Apps?

2c8 Apps is a powerful tool for visualization with various model types you can use to map your business. Book a demo and explore the possibilities of 2c8 Apps.

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