
Effective HR: Map your HR processes

What exactly are HR processes?

HR is basically about human resources within an organization. When we talk about HR processes, we mean all the processes that involve our employees. This could be, for example, recruitment, skills development, rehabilitation, work environment or onboarding of new employees. The list can be made long, but what they all have in common is that the employee is at the center.

Illustration of two employees in a process object that symbolizes HR processes and the human being at the center.

Why is process mapping important?

Visualizing the business processes brings with it a multitude of benefits. Generally speaking, mapping is about making processes visible in order to be able to improve them. By visualizing our processes, we can:

  • Identify risks, problems or bottlenecks.
  • Identify resource shortages and thereby redistribute resources.
  • Ensure that we meet the requirements placed on us in our processes.
  • Create standardized working methods in the business.
  • Create consensus and increased understanding of what we do and why we do it.

Mapping of the business’s HR processes

In order to best understand how the mapping helps us improve our HR processes, we will dive into a few examples. Below we have listed some classic HR processes.

The onboarding process

When we introduce new employees into the business, it is important that we follow a standardized process with high quality. New employees must receive the same introduction, prerequisites and tools regardless of who is responsible for the introduction. If we don’t have control over the Onboarding process, there is a risk that the employee gets off to a bad start and lacks the required knowledge. This in turn leads to the fact that it takes a long time before the employee becomes efficient in his work, that he does not feel welcome and, in the worst case, quits. All these consequences are not only costly for the company, but also have a negative impact on Employee Branding.

By mapping the process of our Onboarding, we can optimize it by ensuring that people with the right skills are involved and that all necessary steps are completed. In addition, the standardized process serves as a support for those responsible for Onboarding.

The offboarding process

When employees end their employment, it is important that Offboarding takes place, also this time, based on a standardized process. This is not only to get a good ending with an employee, but also from a safety perspective. Mail accounts must be terminated, business must be handed over, key tags must be returned and permissions must be reviewed. If anything in this process goes wrong, it can have major negative consequences.

The mapping of the process gives us a clear picture of what is to be done and who is to do it. If the mapping takes place in workshops, we can bring more perspectives into the process, as well as ensure that it is anchored in reality. When we follow the mapped process, we thereby reduce the risk of something going wrong when an employee leaves.

Employment Law

Employment law is a large and complex field that involves several processes that can be usefully visualized. This may apply to employment contracts, work environment or how we handle harassment within the organization. Through mapping, we can create a common picture of the processes, ensure that we meet the demands placed on us and standardize the methods we work on. The process mapping also acts as a support for managers and those in charge, which reduces the likelihood that something will go wrong.

Do you want to know more about how you can transform employment law into processes? Click here to check out the guide.

The importance of making our HR processes visible

Making HR processes available to managers, employees and other stakeholders brings with it a multitude of benefits. First and foremost, we facilitate the work of HR personnel who often receive calls from managers and employees with HR-related questions. When we make visual models of our HR processes available, every employee can easily go in and find answers to their questions. With the visual models, we make the difficult much easier to understand. As mentioned earlier, the models also serve as powerful support for managers to work based on standardized processes. We can thus ensure that things are done correctly, regardless of who is the executor.

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