
Navigate your ERP Implementation: The Power of Process mapping

Understanding the Importance of Processes in an ERP implemenation

Before we delve into process visualization, we need to understand the importance of processes in the context of an ERP implementation. Processes encompass a series of activities that take place within an organization to achieve a specific goal or deliver a certain result. For ERP, these processes span across different departments such as finance, purchasing, HR, manufacturing and more.

ERP systems aim to streamline these processes by centralizing data, automating tasks, and providing real-time insights. However, ERP implementation is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Each organization has unique workflows, challenges, and goals, requiring a tailored approach to process optimization.

An illustration showing information in an ERP

The power of visualization

Process visualization is a powerful tool that helps us understand, analyze, and optimize organizational workflows. By visually mapping our processes, we not only create valuable insights that optimize the business but also lay the foundation for implementing the solution according to our specific business:

  • Clarity and Transparency Visual representations of processes contribute to clarity and transparency, allowing stakeholders to truly understand our processes. They clearly show how we work, the flows between departments, and where resources are needed. This understanding is crucial during the initial phases of implementation, as it promotes alignment and consensus among staff from different parts of the business.
  • Increased Consensus When we map our processes together, we create a common understanding of how we work. We decide together that reality looks a certain way. Being able to refer to clear business processes during the procurement and implementation of an ERP system makes it easy for suppliers, implementation partners, and employees.
  • Identifying Inefficiencies When we visualize our processes, we also make our existing issues visible. Process mapping makes it easy for us to identify inefficiencies and redundancies in existing workflows.
  • Insights and Opportunities for Optimization By optimizing our existing processes and considering the interaction between business and ERP, we can avoid unnecessary steps that hinder productivity and performance. Whether streamlining workflows, automating repetitive tasks, or reallocating resources, we can significantly improve efficiency.
  • Risk Mitigation Visualizing processes can identify potential risks and vulnerabilities within the operational framework. Understanding data flow and activities allows us to implement robust controls and safeguards. This is to reduce data breaches, compliance violations, or operational disruptions.
  • Change Management and Training Implementing an ERP involves significant organizational changes. These can affect workflows, roles, or responsibilities, for example. Process visualization becomes a valuable tool to help us manage, understand, accept, and learn the changes. Visualizing how each employee’s work is affected makes it easier for us to train relevant staff and create confidence.

Best Practice for Process Visualization to Facilitate ERP Implementation

To use the full potential of visualizing your processes in the context of implementation, there are some Best Practices to follow:

  1. Collaborative Approach Engage all affected stakeholders within the organization. This way, we consider different perspectives and insights, which gives us an accurate picture of the processes and creates room for optimization.
  2. Use a software for Visualization Use visualization software designed for the purpose. A powerful process mapping tool helps us understand how the entire business is connected and how the ERP system can facilitate the processes.
  3. Iterative Refinement Effective process mapping is a recurring activity. Continuously refine and develop the process maps based on feedback, data analysis, and changing business requirements.
  4. Integration with the ERP Make sure that the visualized processes match the functions of your ERP system. The processes should seamlessly translate into the functions and workflows the ERP platform supports.
  5. Introduction and Education Use the mapping and visual support of how the ERP system is used in your processes as a basis for training. A picture is easier to understand and creates consensus.

Mastering processes and harnessing the power of process mapping is crucial on the journey to a successful ERP implementation. By visualizing workflows, organizations can gain clarity, identify inefficiencies, unlock optimization opportunities, reduce risks, and facilitate change management. Process visualization is not just a tool—it’s a catalyst for driving organizational efficiency, agility, and innovation. Harness the power of visualization and set a course for a successful ERP implementation.

Successfull Customer Cases

Nordic Paper used process maps created in 2c8 Apps to acquire and implement its new ERP system. Click here to read the full customer case.

When implementing our ERP, we could always refer to approved business processes that described how we worked.

Johan Magnusson

System Administrator at Nordic Paper

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